President Katalin Novák received Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Sándor Palace

On Monday in Sándor Palace, President of the Republic Katalin Novák received Prime Minister Viktor Orbán who updated the president on the proceedings of the 23 March meeting of the European Council, the Sándor Palace communication team informed the Hungarian news agency MTI.

The head of state regards the strengthening of Hungary’s European and international relations as a top priority; as part of this, she was informed by the Prime Minister about last week’s meeting of European heads of state and government where the war in Ukraine was one of the most important topics, the team reported.

“The head of state and the prime minister agreed that the restoration of peace within the shortest possible time was Hungary’s paramount interest,” the communication reads. They agreed that in the future the prime minister would regularly update the president of the republic about the proceedings of the meetings of the European Council.


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