International Christian conference about wars worldwide also addressed by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán 23/08/2024
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán evaluated past year of Hungary’s nation policy in company of leaders of Hungarian organisations beyond the borders 26/07/2024
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had talks with Prime Minister of Romania about bilateral relations and Romania’s Schengen membership 26/07/2024
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had talks with former US President Donald Trump about chances of peace 12/07/2024
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had talks with Prime Minister of North Macedonia about strengthening of economic and financial relations 11/07/2024
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had talks with President of Turkey, asking him to support the Hungarian peace mission 10/07/2024
I did not want to convince Volodymyr Zelenskyy; I merely wanted to learn about his position 03/07/2024
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán asked President Zelenskyy to consider a ceasefire tied to a time limit 02/07/2024
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s opinion piece in the Financial Times about making the EU competitive again 02/07/2024
A Patriotic Manifesto for a European Future: We will retake our institutions and will reorient European policy to serve our Nations 30/06/2024
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to have talks with European right-wing party leaders in Vienna on Sunday 30/06/2024
Despite ‘pro-war pact,’ we will continue building cooperation among European right-wing parties 29/06/2024
Unless we conclude a competitiveness pact, jobs in the hundreds of thousands could be lost 24/06/2024
Hungary is ready to support Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s bid for post of NATO Secretary General 18/06/2024
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had talks with executives of largest European industrial companies 11/06/2024
The European Commission has failed on every count; now we need a renaissance on the political Right 04/06/2024