In a video posted on his social media account on Wednesday, the Prime Minister said ominous news has reached us from the war in Ukraine, and he therefore convened the Defence Council. The Prime Minister said he heard the report of the Defence Council, and concluded that “the threat of the escalation of the war has never been this great.” Mr Orbán stated that we were facing the two most dangerous months of the war.
With the victory of US President Donald Trump, we have moved within tangible proximity to peace, but at least a ceasefire. However, for two months, a pro-war government remains in power in the United States. “In practice, this means that yesterday the Ukrainians fired long-range missiles into Russian territory, while in response the Russians adopted a more stringent nuclear doctrine,” he said.
The Prime Minister highlighted that in the coming weeks and months, Hungary would need all of Hungary’s knowledge and means, all our diplomatic experience in order to continue to stay out of this war. “Because Hungary must continue to stay out of this war,” Mr Orbán stressed.
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