Today we have won two elections 

Two elections were held in Budapest and in Hungary, we have won both, Prime Minister-President of Fidesz Viktor Orbán said in the early hours of Monday morning at the election result reception of the government parties in the ‘Whale’ Convention Centre in Budapest. 

Mr Orbán thanked all Hungarian electors who decided to take part in the dual elections. 

He said there was a 57 per cent turnout in the Sunday municipal and European Parliament elections. “Democracy is alive and well, thank you very much, this, too, is a fine record,” he said, commenting on the election turnout.

He congratulated the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania which reached the five per cent threshold necessary for a seat “in a cut-throat struggle.” 

He added that in Budapest and Hungary, two elections had been held, and they had won both. 
“Additionally, we scored important victories in a war situation, in a difficult battle,” Mr Orbán said. 

He highlighted that, Budapest included, there were twenty county general assemblies in total, and the government parties had won them all. We have lost three county-ranked cities and won four, so on the whole, the balance of this, too, is positive, he observed.

Regarding Budapest, he pointed out that they had yet to wait for the result of the mayor of Budapest election. Alexandra Szentkirályi was right, however: the only chance to get rid of the mayor leading Budapest at present was the decision that the candidate of Fidesz-KDNP made, he stated.

In the context of the metropolitan districts, he observed that the government parties had lost one district and had regained one. 

Mr Orbán pointed out that today, the people in Hungary had sent a clear message: they want peace. 

He said the message, the political content of the European Parliament elections can be summed up in that the Hungarian people sent a clear message: they want peace; if they have to choose between war and peace, they choose peace. 

He added that the government’s pro-peace position had also received confirmation. He said as prime minister he pledges to double his efforts – with this mandate under his government’s belt – in order to keep Hungary out of the war.

“Summing up the result of the European Parliament elections, we can send a concise telegram message to Brussels which goes like this: Migration, stop. Gender, stop. Soros, stop. Brussels, stop,” he said.

He observed that the Lord had a sense of humour because “He deleted [the opposition party] Momentum from the records of our of history” in the very year of the Paris Olympic Games. 

He also said the Hungarian people stated clearly that they would punish those who had turned against their country in Brussels. They do not want people who work against their country, they voted them all out, he said. 

Mr Orbán thanked the activists of Fidesz and KDNP “for the fantastic work” that they have accomplished in the past sixty days and especially in the last few days. The day of one million meetings on Saturday will remain also a European record for a long time, but perhaps for not longer than two years, Mr Orbán observed.

His message to his supporters, volunteers, activists, “battlers and street fighters” was that they had defeated both the old and the new oppositions, and it did not matter what the opposition of the day was called, they would defeat them time and time again.

“The Lord above us all, Hungary before everything. Come on Hungary! Come on Hungarians!,” Mr Orbán said, concluding his speech. 


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