The Hunyadi János Award of the Foundation for a Civic Hungary presented for the second time was this year conferred upon Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini.
In a speech delivered at the event of the party foundation of the Fidesz-Hungarian Civic Alliance, Mr Orbán said “it is our joint task to restore a Europe of nations.”
We must take back the rights which have been “unlawfully confiscated” from nations in recent years. We must ensure that rules apply to all European Member States in the same way, in a standard manner. The “agents of the Soros Network” must be excluded from the European Commission, while corrupt lobbyist must be removed from the European Parliament. We must stop the flow of corrupt dollars and euros to Member States. The European Union cannot function as a financial network whose goal it is to weaken national governments, the Prime Minister stated.
“The spring cleaning that our friends in the United States are carrying out will also be required here in Brussels,” he said.
The era of progressive liberalism prevailing in Brussels is over; there is a patriotic rearrangement on the other side of the Atlantic. In Central and Southern Europe, too, the patriots are the strongest political force, the Prime Minister stated.
“The progressives have occupied Brussels. Today, they’re ruling Brussels. Unless we change this, Europe will soon fall apart before our eyes,” he argued.
In his laudation, Mr Orbán recalled that last autumn Matteo Salvini – in his words, “the statesman who defended his country and Europe” – had faced the threat of a prison sentence. Mr Salvini was persecuted by the globalists because he had the courage to stand up to them. It turned out, however, that all charges were unfounded, it was nothing more than a politically motivated witch-hunt, he stressed. For everything he does, Matteo Salvini deserves not punishment, but a prize, he laid down.
He said the struggle of Hunyadi and Salvini stemmed from the same source, they were both driven by the same moral command, the command that Europe’s borders must be protected.
He warned that Europe was today being overrun by masses like never before. Since 2015, 9 million illegal migrants have come to Europe. “This is eerily the same number that we learnt from the Soros Plan in 2015, a million a year. The plan doesn’t just exist, it also works,” he said. If migrants were to constitute a single country, today this would be the European Union’s 15th largest country, he highlighted.
He stressed that while Hungary had stopped illegal migration by land, Matteo Salvini had stopped it by sea.
“We both protected our nations, and this led to a fine result: both in Italy and Hungary, the patriots are now in government,” he said.
He finally stressed that Mr Salvini was defending not only a country, not only his own country, but an entire civilisation. The stakes in the battle are high, nothing less than the soul of the western world, but for this goal it is worth undertaking even the toughest struggle, Mr Orbán added in his address.
In his speech, Matteo Salvini said the real problem for Europe is that “some individuals allowed illegal migrants to penetrate the very heart of Europe.”
The Italian politician described Islamic extremism and the uncontrolled influx of migrants as the most fundamental threats. In his words, those who oppose this face the risk of being sued.
“It’s important that we protect freedom of speech. We mustn’t surrender to censorship,” Mr Salvini said, adding that the new leadership of Washington “is a great hope” for the European people as regards freedom.
He recalled that the European Union had been established in order to prevent the development of further wars. While several other countries in addition to the United States are now working for peace, Europe over here is working hard to continue the war. “It is our duty to methodically recapture the truth from parliament to parliament,” he stated.
“We must invest all our energy, all our good intentions and goodwill for the victory of causes that may seem lost and impossible, but are important for us,” Mr Salvini added in his address.
In his speech, Chair-Director General of the Foundation for a Civic Hungary Ádám Kavecsánszki quoted Mr Orbán’s statement to the effect that the western world’s patriots had found their feet. In continuation, he said the remedy is not “to turn our backs on” the European Union. On the contrary, “rather than moving out, we must move in.” “We will occupy it and change it,” the Chair-Director General said, quoting again the Prime Minister.
Last year, the award was presented to former Polish Member of the European Parliament Professor Ryszard Antoni Legutko.
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