Regarding the Vienna Declaration, Mr Havasi said Hungary and Austria wanted to take also this opportunity to strengthen their amicable and good neighbourly as well as unshakeable historical and cultural relations.
According to the declaration forwarded by the press chief to MTI, the signatories declare their joint will and intention “to work together as allies of positive reforms with a view to preserving and further developing the diversity of our wonderful European continent.”
The declaration states: “We are particularly proud that on a European level we have forged an alliance with successful partners from Europe’s great nations who are aware of the special responsibility that stems from the western nature of our continent. According to our intentions, we will be a force – as equal partners and friends – seeking to serve Europe that will bring about positive change. Patriotism is a form of pride felt for one’s own country and its culture. And only those understand and respect other people’s patriotism who also appreciate their own country.”
The signatories believe that reform of Europe and the European Union means not forceful centralisation or even further complicating our institutions, “but rather giving power back to the people and the deputies elected by them into their respective Member State parliaments.”
The key to Europe’s successful reform lies in appreciating and preserving the diversity of peoples, cultures, national images and ways of life. We need to reduce the political weight of Brussels, and – parallel with that – to reinforce the direct and parliamentary democracy of Member States.
“We take the view that mass illegal migration and the organised abuse of asylum constitute the biggest threat to Europe’s culture. These lead not only to conflicts between different cultures, but equally to a decline of indigenous populations, and as such pose a threat directly to the very nature of Europe. We must use all available means of the rule of law against illegal migration and the abuse of asylum,” the declaration reads.
The signatories will take firm action against “the absurd notion that there are genders other than men and women as well as against any left-wing sensitisation attempts which may lead to young people losing their sexual identity already at any early age.”
They actively support the conclusion of the wars that are being waged around the world via ceasefires and talks within the shortest possible time. Europe should serve as a venue for peace talks, thereby returning to the original concept that regarded the EU as a peace project.
“We the Alliance of Patriots want the European Union to focus on its actual objectives, meaning guaranteeing peace, freedom, security and welfare for as many people as possible. We hereby reaffirm our goal to further consolidate and reinforce our successful alliance within and to seek to gain further ground and expand without,” the Vienna Declaration reads.
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