Organization of Turkic States is a crucial pillar of cooperation between East and West 

On Saturday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán described the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) as a crucial pillar of cooperation between East and West in Shusha, Azerbaijan where an informal summit of the organisation is being held. 

Regarding the six-month Hungarian EU presidency, Mr Orbán highlighted that Hungary regards it as a peace mission. In this context, he recalled his recent visits to Kiev and Moscow. 

Mr Orbán described the city of Shusha in Nagorno-Karabakh under repeated Azeri control since November 2020 as a source of hope from the respect of peace for Hungary which, he said, has lived in the shadow of the war in Ukraine for two and a half years. 

The Hungarian Prime Minister paid his respects to Azeri President Ilham Aliyev for having given back the possibility of life in peace to the Caucasian region’s hundreds of thousands of inhabitants. “We sincerely hope that we will find this path also in Europe soon,” he underlined. 

Regarding the June European Parliament elections, he observed that it had amounted to a veritable political earthquake. He said in 20 of the 27 EU Member States, people had voted for change. He highlighted that some pro-war governments had fallen or had been significantly weakened. In this context, he also spoke about the party group called ‘Patriots for Europe’ to be founded on Monday which will be the third strongest group in the EP. 

Mr Orbán drew attention to the threat that in consequence of the war in Ukraine, the world could be forcefully divided into blocs again.

He said, with regard to negative historical experiences, we would favour a vision for unity and global cooperation. Therefore, we look upon the Organization of Turkic States as a pillar of crucial importance in maintaining cooperation between East and West, the Hungarian Prime Minister stressed. 


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