Most important question of campaign is war or peace 

The most important question of the campaign is war or peace, and nothing other than sport has a better chance of creating peace, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Saturday in Mezőhegyes, at the inauguration of a new sports hall. 

Mr Orbán stressed: when building something new, their goal is for it to be the best, and that when something is Hungarian, it should mean that it is the best. In his view, the new sports hall is an example of that.

“We can’t do without sport,” the Prime Minister pointed out, adding that it is difficult to raise children to become decent human beings “in today’s crazy world.” 

If children do not exercise, if they are not in a community, if they do not learn to perform duties, if they do not learn about hard work and humility, nothing will work, the Prime Minister stressed. 

He said, therefore, this is not “just a mere sports hall,” but the greatest help for parents. 


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