Mr Orbán said it was an honour that he had again been entrusted with leading “the country’s, in fact, Europe’s most successful and strongest political community,” Fidesz. Trust is always an honour, even today, after so many years, said the Prime Minister who was re-elected – as the only candidate – as party president before his speech. As a result, he has been President of Fidesz since 2003 without interruption.
He recalled that he had been tasked two years ago with leading Fidesz and KDNP (the Christian Democratic People’s Party) to victory and to form a government which would continue the building of a strong and sovereign Hungary. “We are in the mid-term phase, we haven’t changed horses midway, especially not if they’re pulling in the right direction and are still not out of breath. I’d like to inform the Esteemed Congress that the government and I have plenty of steam left, and with this we will surely be able to pull through the next two and a half years,” he stated.
He observed that they will decide on how to move forward at the next congress due to be held in 2025, but he said he wants to tell everyone in advance “with a view to helping with the deliberations of potential candidates, that I continue to remain at the best possible age; in fact, I’m planning to be at the best age, and also in the best possible shape in 2025 as well.”
He highlighted that one could not betray one’s country for money without consequences; therefore, they must create rules for protecting Hungary’s sovereignty.
Mr Orbán said they cannot ignore the proven fact – which the Left itself has admitted to – that foreign states and organisations and Brussels itself gave them money to defeat the Fidesz-KDNP party alliance.
He said “foreigners wanted to buy the prospective government, and with it the country by the pound,” “To betray one’s country for money without consequences?” the Prime Minister asked rhetorically, adding that it is evident that this cannot remain the case.
We must resolve this issue, we expect our Members of Parliament to create rules for the protection of Hungary’s sovereignty, all the way to the Constitution, he stated.
The Prime Minister said so much has happened since the elections; they scored an enormous victory. The entire Left, including those begging their way over from the Right, combined forces against them, gathering behind them all the resources, money, media, politicians and governments available on the Left in the West, from the US Democrats all the way to the Ukrainian government parties, he listed, adding that it was just like in Poland a month ago. The difference is that they started their preparations much earlier and recognised their opponents’ strength much more clearly, given that George Soros and his network were the main tricksters, web spinners and puppet masters.
He stressed it was no exaggeration to say that they had scored a sensational victory. According to the rules of civic politics, they must be generous with the defeated opponent, and therefore they should not ask too many questions about how it was possible that the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely – hoodwinking his carers – made it to Budapest and found himself, all of a sudden, at the head of the left-wing list, he said.
He said we should be generous and forget about this, but we cannot forget about the proven fact – which the Left itself has already admitted to – that foreign states, organisations and Brussels itself gave them money to defeat the Right. This was “Uncle George’s” worst investment ever, and it testified to the poor judgement of the Brussels bureaucrats that they put all their money on a lame horse.
He said they have managed to achieve the goals set, and so there will be dynamism again, there will be a considerable growth also by European standards, there will be higher incomes and a higher minimum wage.
The past two years have proven to be more difficult than ever before due to the Russo-Ukrainian war, the sanctions, the energy crisis and galloping inflation, he recalled.
He reminded his audience, however, that despite the unprecedented pressure from the West, we have managed to stay out of the war; despite the gas and oil sanctions, we have succeeded in guaranteeing the country’s energy supply; despite the drastic rise in international energy prices, we have managed to protect the reduction of household energy bills, jobs and family support.
I’d like to inform you that we have achieved the goals we set,he concluded.
He stated that Hungary will defend itself with all its might, and will resist. “Because we resist the Brussels bureaucrats’ madness, we resist the invasion of migrants, we resist gender propaganda, we resist wartime mirages and Ukraine’s ill-prepared EU membership, we resist green ideologies displaying ever more communistic or even Jacobin symptoms, we protect ourselves against foreign attempts seeking to undermine our sovereignty, including against the Soros Empire attacking from Brussels and Washington all at once,” he listed.
The Prime Minister highlighted that “we must say no to the Brussels Europe model” because it is untenable, in other words, it has no future. Today Brussels is destroying Europe, leading it to its fall, “every day, they’re hammering ever more nails into its coffin,” he pointed out.
He said if things continue like this, the end is near, and “we can say ‘God be with you’ to the EU unless, of course, they ban the word ‘God’ in Brussels in the meantime.”
He stressed “our duty, our mission is to prevent this.” We have a vested interest in the EU staying together. Keeping together “that which we managed to put together with much difficulty,” he added.
Mr Orbán said rather than leaving the EU we must change it, and this is only possible if radical changes are achieved in Brussels.
He said if things continue like this, the EU will fall apart or collapse, rather than explode. The process is much more prosaic and is well on the way: if things continue like this, the EU will simply fall to pieces.
Today neither the EU, nor the Member States are implementing their own decisions, the European Commission and the European Parliament shamelessly contravene their own rules, he added.
He said what is truly alarming is that everybody has already adapted to this situation, they have become used to it. The Brussels Europe model has grown old and stale, while the world has become rejuvenated and refreshed, and has gained momentum, he added.
He also highlighted that the Hungarians have their own European counter-model which means zero migration, a workfare economy, full employment, strong families, low taxes and a reasonable green transition.
The Prime Minister stressed that self-defence and resistance make Hungary say no to many things; yet, we do not want to be stuck in the role of “Mr No or Herr Nein who always moans, who always complains.” What feeds our strength, hope and self-esteem is the very fact that we Hungarians have a plan of our own, we have a European counter-model of our own, he added.
The Hungarian model is clearly visible, and because it is being continually attacked, it is becoming ever better-known and ever more envied, even if officially they have to say the opposite, he stressed, adding that the French, the Germans, the Italians, the Austrians “would give half their lives for having a migrant-free country” again.
Over here zero migration, only those may enter to whom we gave permission. Today, Hungary is Europe’s safest country which is even more evident in light of the riots supporting terrorism in the streets of the West,he stated.
He described the Hungarian model as a combination of a workfare economy, full employment, strong families, the unification of the nation, a falling debt, low taxes, “investments coming in mass,” trade and cooperation with every country of the world, a reasonable green transition and the introduction of the most modern cutting-edge technologies in Hungary.
He observed that today Hungary receives more commendation from international green organisations that tend to be politically critical than from the Hungarian green parties.
He said the future of the Hungarian economy is being decided now because the decisions about where Europe’s green industry centres will be are being made today. This requires sizeable projects, major private investments.
The Prime Minister highlighted that Hungarian green policy does not rest on ideological or party foundations. “The government’s position: green energy yes, green ideology no,” he laid down.
He said he knows Hungary as a country that does not believe in fairy tales; we did not stomach the brown tales ruled by race and blood, nor the red tales ruled by the proletariat and class struggle, neither did we stomach rainbow tales, and we are observing with suspicion also the latest ‘poison’ green tales where Nature will take revenge and take power back. We Hungarians simply want a clean, healthy and natural world according to the order of creation, he stated.
He highlighted that we must do two things: generate green energy and then store it. He added that the dividing line between the successful ones and the others will lie in the storage of the energy generated.
He said the Hungarians can be the technological champions of a new era in the world economy; we have not had such an opportunity for 150 years. Every condition for success is given; all we need is a brave and well-prepared country leadership, competent local and national leaders, he observed.
“We will turn Hungary into a meeting point for the latest Eastern and Western technologies,” he stressed.
He added that this was why the country was a champion of connectivity, green energy and new industrial technologies all at once.
This strategy will pull the Hungarian economy upward in the next 15 to 20 years, this is why everyone will have jobs; vocational training schools and universities are connected to this strategy.
“We will be strong, rich and green; our opponents, too, will be green, but theirs will be the green of envy,” he said.
He highlighted that our government was a ninja government, “our plan is that after deployment the enemy, not us will be left on the ground, and we will return to base unscathed and healthy.”
The Prime Minister stressed that the government must be brave and ready for action, must not baulk at or refrain from unexpected movements, and must know that only disciplined manoeuvres and precisely planned operations can lead to success against the opponent’s superior force.
He said the national consultation will be the first operation, “we will ask for and collect the people’s opinions.”
The European elections will be the second operation, “in Brussels we must achieve a breakthrough and must repel the Gyurcsányists.”
The municipal elections will be the third manoeuvre, he listed.
We must win both elections, both the European and the municipal elections, he stated.
The Lord above us all, Hungary before everything. Come on Hungary, come on Hungarians, Mr Orbán said, concluding his speech.
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