This is Brussels, Thursday noon. But we negotiated for many hours yesterday, Wednesday night, and started again early this morning. The subject was Ukraine, and the question was whether the European Union should support Ukraine – and if so, with how much money. Here last December the negotiations on this broke down, because we didn’t get a solution to two Hungarian problems. We feared that the EU funds due to the Hungarians and that the Commission hasn’t yet given us would sooner or later end up in Ukraine. And we were also afraid that we would be making funds available to Ukraine for too long and without oversight. Last night and this morning we received an offer: we finally negotiated a control mechanism to guarantee that the money would be used sensibly, and we received a guarantee that Hungary’s money would not end up in Ukraine. After long negotiations we accepted this offer. I’m pleased that there has already been a positive reaction to this agreement from the markets, from the business world.