Diplomacy / Despite ‘pro-war pact,’ we will continue building cooperation among European right-wing parties 

Despite ‘pro-war pact,’ we will continue building cooperation among European right-wing parties 

The people voted for change, but “with the betrayal of the European People’s Party” the Brussels elite tricked them, and warded off the first attack laying siege to Brussels; despite the ‘pro-war pact,’ we will continue the building of cooperation among European right-wing parties, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wrote in the Saturday issue of the daily Magyar Nemzet. 

Mr Orbán wrote: There is a crisis in Europe. Christian civilisation as a force defining the boundaries of our lives is disappearing. The European Union, too, is on a descending path. The global economic weight of the continent has significantly and continually diminished in the past three decades. 

“European order is evaporating before our very eyes,” there is a permanent threat of terror, with public security in tatters, he pointed out, adding that additionally Europe’s ability to enforce its interests has also declined in international politics, and instead of peace, order and development, we have a war, migration and stagnation. 

In his view, it aggravates the situation that in the past few years, the Brussels bureaucracy living in a bubble has made a number of flawed political decisions. As a result, Europe is increasingly drifting into a war which the continent has nothing to gain by, but which may well cause it to lose everything. 

The Prime Minister observed that the Brussels bureaucrats keep sending the European people’s money to Ukraine, “have shot European businesses in the foot” with the sanctions, have hiked up inflation, and have pushed European citizens in the millions into a livelihood crisis. They have spoilt the continent’s competitiveness with tax increases, have engaged in a petty fight with Europe’s most important trade partners and have misnavigated the green transition. Today, Europe is using more coal, and energy prices are higher than they were five years ago. European farmers are protesting daily against being bled out, and meanwhile Ukrainian agricultural products of dubious quality are flooding into Europe “in untold quantities” at dumping prices, he listed.

He wrote that the enlargement of the European Union with the countries of the Western Balkans has come to a complete halt – only the heroic struggle of the Hungarian commissioner for enlargement has resulted in some progress. Despite the fact that today the EU needs the new Member States and their economic potential more than ever before, he stressed. 

Mr Orbán further observed that due to the mismanaged migration policy, illegal migrants are flooding into Schengen territory also at present. Brussels, however – instead of adopting the successful practices of countries stopping migration, including Hungary – is penalising the very same countries and is seeking to force them to let migrants in. 

He stated that it was a well-known fact that up to 2040 the population of Africa would increase by 750 million. Hungary is warning everyone that while the fence is stopping African migrants at present, with such drastically increasing numbers, we can only hope for a solution in the form of economic developments resulting in the retention of the population already in the medium term. 

Europe should launch an overarching development programme in Africa; however, in Brussels there is no such plan on the horizon, he stated. 

Mr Orbán took the view that the Brussels bureaucrats are, beyond doubt, good at one thing: the weakening of the nation states and the expansion of their own power. “This elite reminds us of the communists.” Rather than bearing the people’s interests in mind, they are forcing their own ideologies upon the people. Their current favourites are “the toxic green policy and the ideal of a mixed society.” 

He recalled that the fact of the crisis and the aggravation of the war situation had clearly indicated well before the European Parliament elections that there was a need for change in Europe. He stressed that instead of left-wing progression and a pro-war stance, an overwhelming majority of the people had voted for parties promising a change. In 20 of the European Union’s 27 countries, pro-sovereignty or right-wing parties won which expressly campaigned with the promise of change. The left-wing French and Belgian governments fell immediately after the elections, and “it was a close shave in Berlin, too,” he added.

The European people made it clear that they want to bring the war in our neighbourhood to a conclusion, want to get rid of the progressive running amok, want to stop migration and want to see the European economy on a course of growth, the Prime Minister pointed out. 

He wrote that the European people started “taking Europe back” as expected. However, the Brussels bureaucrats launched a counter-attack. The socialists and liberals with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo got the European People’s Party on board. The European People’s Party gathered votes promising change in its campaign. However, they claimed to be ambassadors of change in vain; after the elections, they combined forces with the socialists and liberals.

The European People’s Party and the other parties of the Left ignored the European people’s decision and “entered into a shameful pact,” embarking on the distribution of power positions, the Prime Minister wrote, seeing this as an open abuse of the mandate received from the electorate, and highlighting that “a pro-war coalition has been forged once again.”

He added that the only goal of this pro-war pact was for the Brussels elite plunging Europe into a crisis to remain in power for at least another five years. It is as clear as day – in his opinion – that this is why they want to keep the president of the Commission – who is responsible for “the brunt of the EU’s failures” – in position.

The Prime Minister highlighted that right-wing forces continue to remain tasked with the job of enforcing the will of European voters. Their first attempt has been foiled, but replanning has taken place this week, he wrote, indicating that despite the pact, they will continue the building of cooperation among European right-wing parties.

Right-wing parties will have to create strong party groups within the European Parliament and will then have to build cooperation among themselves, he stated. 

He also wrote that on Sunday, two momentous events will take place, “we should feast our eyes on Paris and Vienna.” He recalled that in America, too, a great step had been taken towards change.

“If everything goes to plan and the Almighty is also on our side, by the end of the year, patriots will be in the majority in the entire western world. Let’s go for it ,” Mr Orbán wrote in conclusion. 


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