Another European party – Chega of Portugal – to join Patriots for Europe party alliance 

Shortly after the signing of a manifesto in Vienna on Sunday, European right-wing parties started joining the alliance Patriots for Europe. The President of Portugal’s Chega party announced that they wished to be a part of the alliance of pro-sovereignty forces, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief informed the Hungarian news agency MTI on Monday.

André Ventura also posted a video of his related press statement on his social media account. 

On Sunday in Vienna, President of Fidesz Viktor Orbán, President of the Czech ANO party Andrej Babis and President of the Freedom Party of Austria Herbert Kickl signed a Patriotic Manifesto which offers Europe’s pro-sovereignty, patriotic parties “a new political alliance.” 

The joining parties will form a separate group within the European Parliament, and according to the founders’ plans, they could soon become the largest right-wing group in the EP, the communication reads. 


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