Mr Orbán stressed that the Hungarians had not been consulted about the war, but they could not be not consulted about Ukraine’s EU membership. Without Hungary there is no European decision, the Prime Minister pointed out.
The Prime Minister recalled that a year ago the question had been whether we wanted to die for Ukraine, while now the question was whether we wanted to be ruined by Ukraine’s accession.
“Dear Friends, go and cast your votes in the opinion vote,” Mr Orbán said.
The Prime Minister quoted Ferenc Deák who said “we can risk everything for the country, but must not risk the country for anything.” However, in Brussels, they do not read Deák, and so Europe jumped into the Russo-Ukrainian war head first, he stated.
He said we should never cause more trouble than the trouble we seek to put an end to, and we can never help anyone in a way that we destroy our own country in the process. “This is why we didn’t jump in together with them, but instead chose to remain on the side of peace,” Mr Orbán pointed out.
He also said the empire wants not to help Ukraine, but to colonise it. The war serves as a means of colonisation, he laid down.
Mr Orbán highlighted that the ideal of Hungarian freedom was eternal and timeless. The ideal of Hungarian freedom has for centuries billowed on the sky of time and history. Its origins, too, go back a thousand years, and will no doubt continue on its own path, among the stars, for many thousands of years more.
He said 177 years ago, Hungarian freedom became one with a single date, with the ides of March, and with a single place, Pest-Buda. On that day, Hungarian freedom gained form, took shape, found a body, and came to us. For us, March 15 is no ordinary holiday; it is not even just a historical one, but a sacral moment. March 15 is “an ordained day for all generations of Hungarians. It’s designated and unavoidable forever,” and remains so as long as a single Hungarian lives on Earth, he said, adding “glory to the March youths.”
Mr Orbán also spoke about the fact that “we have been hearing others say for years that we are the past.” In 1848, they said the future lies with the bright Vienna Empire, while in 1956 they said the future lies with the red Soviet Empire. Now they are saying that “the future lies with the rainbow Global Empire,” he said.
However, on the far side of the “big pond,” far, far away, a turnaround took place, and it turned out that “we are the future,” it turned out that the future lies not with empires, but with patriots and independent nations, he stated.
In continuation, the Prime Minister said they also claimed that “we’re isolated.” This is what they said in 1848, too, and then the whole of Europe could speak about nothing but the Hungarians, and even in Vienna the rebelling forces were led by a citizen of Buda.
He added that this is what they said in 1956 as well, but finally, we Hungarians knocked the first brick out of the Berlin Wall which then brought freedom to the whole of Europe. And this is what they said also now, that we are isolated, and yet, today, everyone is eager to find out more about us, he laid down.
Mr Orbán recalled that Széchenyi had taught us that every nation had its own calling, its essence, a unique element of the nation. There are nations whose principal element lies in trading, while there are others whose main element is to be found in conquering.
He highlighted that freedom was the principal element of the Hungarians. A Hungarian is in their element when they fight for freedom. We are freedom fighters. We know how to fight for freedom. We know how to defend freedom. “That knowledge is ours, we have gathered it for a thousand years. That’s our trade mark; in fact, our DNA. And that is what the world needs. Today, much more than ever,” Mr Orbán underlined.
The Prime Minister pointed out that also today, we had succeeded in staying on our feet against a global empire. No one else other than us has succeeded in this feat. “The great secret is ours, this is the alchemy of the modern era. This is why half the world is coming to us, from Vienna all the way to Washington,” he said.
He highlighted that also now, our freedom fight – the same as in 1848 – was not just a cause for the Hungarians. In actual fact, today, the battle is being fought for the soul of the western world. The empire wants to mix, wants to replace Europe’s indigenous populations with invading masses coming from alien civilisations. They want to divert the generations of our children and grandchildren from the healthy order of creation to the chaos of unnatural forms of life. The empire wants to rid itself of the order and culture of Christian life, and instead of peace, wants to put us at the service of the gods of war, he listed.
He pointed out that the imperial machinery had devastated the entire western world, but we had stopped it at the borders of Hungary. We have not surrendered. We have not allowed either the country, or Parliament, or the government to be occupied.
“For fifteen years, they’ve been unable to get the better of us, and they have found all their blades chipped when used against us. They have succeeded neither with blackmail, nor with money; neither with threats, nor with mercenaries, nor with Brusselites. We won four elections in a row, and for fifteen years, our defence lines have not been dented,” he said.
In continuation, Mr Orbán said we have endured, we have persevered because we believed that the wind would turn one day. And the wind has turned. The patriots of the western world have found their feet. They gained in strength, and won – after Italy, the Netherlands and Austria – also in the United States. We are flying in formation. In the struggle fought for the soul of the western world, we are winning today, he stressed.
The Prime Minister said we have every reason to be proud because we were the harbingers, the instigators of the global freedom fight, and we also led the way. “Glory to all Hungarians who didn’t back down before the Soros Empire, didn’t kneel down before Brussels, and didn’t submit to the liberal American empire either,” he said.
He added that the Hungarian flag was flying proudly also today. Our conscience is clear, we can justify our actions to our children and also our grandchildren. They will have something to continue, the Prime Minister stated.
Mr Orbán said the secret of Hungarian freedom fights is the same today as it was before. Hungarians never fight only for themselves; they also fight for the nation. “With their swords it is one swish for themselves, and one more for the nation,” he pointed out.
He stressed that we were the people of freedom who could not be without two things: without freedom and nation. These are what we live for, and if needs be, die for. The way we want to, as free Hungarians, the Prime Minister laid down.
Freedom belongs to the nation. This country, the country of the Hungarians is ours. We do not wish for anyone else’s, but this one we will not give up. No one can take it away from us either with force, or with threats, or with flattery. And we will not bargain, he stated. No, no, never, he repeated for emphasis.
Mr Orbán said the same as nation is eternal, neither do empires change. Crescent, eagle, star, red or EU yellow, an empire only ever wants subjection and eternal provinces. Subjects and taxpayers, never free Hungarians, he pointed out.
There is always one empire or another that is after the freedom of the Hungarians. Now, it is the Brussels one, the Prime Minister argued, stating that Brussels abuses its power, the same as Vienna did back then.
He stressed that they wanted to rule over us exactly the same as the lieutenants of the Vienna Court once had. The remedy is not to turn our back on the European Union. On the contrary, rather than moving out, we must move in, occupy it and change it, he argued.
He said history will one day take a turn in Brussels, too. The time will come, and we will settle all scores. Quoting [the poet] Sándor Petőfi, he said “if you can’t contain yourselves, don’t worry, we’ll contain you.’ We will put an end to the excesses, we will regain our rights which have been unlawfully confiscated from the nation, and we will send back their treacherous mercenaries paid from Brussels, post-haste. Let them enjoy each other’s company in the European Parliament, he stated.
Empires are – by virtue of their nature – hungry, and their stomachs bottomless. They are always after more money, they are always after new colonies. But the Hungarians know that being free is not only an uplifting feeling, but something that also pays off, he highlighted. We only ever have work, advancement, welfare and security if we are not plundered by oppressors. Servitude makes you poor, freedom makes you rich. This is the law of Hungarian welfare, Mr Orbán pointed out.
He stressed that in Hungary, in fifteen years, “in the shadow of battles waged with the Empire, we have built Europe’s only patriotic national economy.” We sent the International Monetary Fund (IMF) packing, reined in multinational companies and banks, took the Hungarian energy system back, and put the entire national economy at the service of the Hungarian people, he listed.
Mr Orbán further spoke about the fact that we have also endured the three years of the war, despite the fact that Hungary has suffered the greatest economic losses in the EU due to the Russo-Ukrainian war. “Yet, despite this, we are implementing Europe’s, what’s more, the entire western world’s biggest tax reduction,” he stated. With this, we are opening a new chapter in the history of the Hungarian economy. We are creating the world’s first family-centred economy, he said, adding that mothers of one will not pay income tax until the age of 30, while mothers of two or more will enjoy lifetime income tax exemption. “This – with all modesty – is a world sensation,” he stated.
We have only one task left now: time and again, we must defend ourselves against the Brussels attacks which sometimes seek to take away from us the reduction of household energy bills, sometimes the thirteenth monthly pension, sometimes the money of families, Mr Orbán said.
He recalled that the exulted day of 15 March 1848 had been followed by the calm and wise April Laws. These laws provided statutory protection for the freedom earned on 15 March. This will be precisely so also now, he stated.
After today’s commemorating rally, spring cleaning will start. “We’ll do away with the financial machinery which bought politicians, judges, journalists, fake civil-society organisations and political activists from corrupt dollars.”
We will do away with the entire “shadow army,” he said, adding that “they are the present-day servants of the empire, the Brussels minions who push the cart of the empire against their country for money.”
They have been here for too long, they have survived too much, they have received money from too many places, they have turned coats too many times, the Prime Minister stressed. In 1848, we had the “emperor birds” sitting on our necks; now “the Weber chicks are crowing above our heads,” he said.
“We’ve had more than enough of them. ‘Spring breeze brings floods,’ let the floods take them,” he said in continuation, adding that “they wear the scarlet letter, their lot is shame and contempt.”
If there is justice – and there is – a separate pit awaits them in hell, the Prime Minister observed.
We know you, you put on “a new European party gown” in vain, your masters are the same, your plans are the same. “And have no hope, your lot will be the same, too. We will defeat you again. Again and again. Because the sword shines brighter than the chain,” Mr Orbán said, concluding his speech.
At the commemoration, people were given printed copies of the 12 points the Prime Minister posted on his social media account on Saturday morning under the title ‘What does the Hungarian nation demand of Brussels?’. The points include that “we desire a Europe of nations,” demand “national sovereignty, a robust veto for national governments,” that “Soros agents be excluded from the Commission and corrupt lobbyists be removed from the Parliament,” that “they stop preventing our national army from protecting our borders, stop wanting to bring in migrants, and take those who arrived illegally out of our country,” and “ban the unnatural re-education of our children.” The last point is: a union, but without Ukraine.
Many arrived at the commemoration with Hungarian flags and placards of settlement names, while in the crowd there were also Polish and German flags.
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