Hungary wants to connect itself to all economic power centres of the world 

As the most westerly eastern and most easterly western people, Hungary wants to connect itself to all the world’s economic power centres; we are making good progress on this path, and Hungarian universities will be among the great winners of this endeavour, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Tuesday in Budapest, at the inauguration of the refurbished buildings of the University of Veterinary Medicine in István utca. 

In the Prime Minister’s view, the world is about to undergo radical changes, the liberal world order has come to an end, and only those nations can benefit from the changes ahead which make the most of what they have. Those who fall in line, conform, are unable to showcase their own values, are unable to discover the strength inherent in their national character will become insignificant within a short time.

He stressed that Hungary was preparing to lay its role on new foundations also in the international arena. 

“Rather than following a path designated by others, we want to exploit the advantages that stem from our own history, the structure of our own economy and our own culture,” he stated.

He highlighted that Hungarian veterinary medicine was world-renowned also today, and it was perhaps at the University of Veterinary Medicine where education was conducted to the highest standards in the country and where the most scientific discoveries were made. This university is among the world’s top 150 universities which Hungarians have every reason to be proud of. 

He added that it was the goal of the university to be in the top 50, and with the new buildings and new research laboratories now inaugurated, they may well succeed in this endeavour. He indicated that from now on, a support network is available which enables students and researchers conducting their studies in Hungary to perform at a level well above average also in the fields of research results, international publications and the development of patents.

Mr Orbán said what is happening at the University of Veterinary Medicine is part of a new era of Hungarian higher education. He added that the goal was for Hungarian universities to be among the best in the world. He drew attention to the fact that according to the latest EU data, Hungary spends the most in relation to its GDP on higher education in the whole of the European Union. 

He said in the past ten years Hungary has tripled the funds allocated for research and development, thanks to which while five years ago, there were only seven Hungarian universities in the world’s top five per cent, today, there are as many as twelve. He added that in ten years, the number of foreign university students studying in Hungary had almost doubled. 

He stressed that “we will not allow Brussels to punish Hungarian students due to the protection of our sovereignty,” and therefore the government has created the Pannónia Scholarship Programme. “We don’t need the money of others; we ourselves are able to create fruitful academic cooperation schemes with the world’s best universities,” he added. 

He also referred to the planned refurbishment of further buildings of the University of Veterinary Medicine, and said it is to be hoped that in 2025, we will bring the war to a conclusion, will guide the functioning of the European economy back to normality, will launch the Hungarian economy on a course of growth and will raise the funds that are necessary for the further development of the university.


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