Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has launched his campaign tour of the countryside 

Prime Minister-President of Fidesz Viktor Orbán has embarked on a tour of the country; as the first station of his campaign trail, on Monday he met with farmers in Nemesgörzsöny in Veszprém County, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief informed the Hungarian news agency MTI. 

Mr Orbán spoke before more than a hundred farmers from the region in a granary; the event was also attended by President of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture Balázs Győrffy, President of Magosz István Jakab, Mayor of Pápa Tamás Áldozó and Mayor of Nemesgörzsöny László Tatai.

The Prime Minister said today Hungarian farmers are much stronger than they were before. “We will continue this, you can count on us,” he said, observing that he is Hungary’s first prime minister from a village. Whom should the community of Hungarian farmers, the Hungarian countryside, Hungarian villages expect help from if not from a prime minister who is one of them, he asked. 

He also spoke about the fact that agricultural prices had collapsed due to Brussels’ flawed decisions, and this can be remedied by electing new leaders for the European Union. 

Mr Orbán asked farmers to support the candidates of Fidesz, and then – even if at present, the situation is not easy – “we will make things right, and farmers will prosper again.” 


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