Facebook statement by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán 

Sunday is International Day of Older Persons. I salute all Hungarian pensioners!

At yesterday’s government meeting we made an important decision. Back in 2010 we agreed that the national government would preserve the value of pensions. We gave a guarantee that what happened during the Gyurcsány era – when pensioners were deprived of one month’s pension – would never happen again.  Therefore we’ve preserved the value of pensions every year, and when the country has done well we’ve even been able to pay a pension premium. We want a country in which we cry together and laugh together. We’ve been able to deliver on this commitment, both during the COVID epidemic and now, during the war in Ukraine. This year inflation has been higher than expected, and so the only way to preserve the value of pensions is to pay a pension supplement. So this November the postman will deliver an average extra amount of almost half a month’s pension.

Accurate accounting, long friendship. Pensioners can count on us!


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