Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had talks with President of Republic of Srpska of Bosnia and Herzegovina

On Monday in the Carmelite Monastery, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received President of the Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief informed the Hungarian news agency MTI.

Mr Orbán said Hungary looks upon Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska as an honorary neighbour. Relations between Hungary and the Republika Srpska of Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to remain excellent, and we do everything we can to strengthen cooperation; this is also reflected by the common projects that we have already embarked upon, the parties stated at the meeting.

The parties also mentioned that Hungarian businesses have significant investment and trade potential in the financial sector, the energy industry and telecommunications which they would also like to benefit from in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mr Orbán made it clear that the preservation of the stability of the Western Balkans is extremely important from the viewpoint of the security of Hungary and the European Union. As far as Hungary is concerned, we are firmly opposed to the exertion of pressure in the form of sanctions in relation to both Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Serbs of Bosnia which could – due to their counterproductive nature – lead to the escalation of tensions, he explained.

Mr Orbán said it is to be hoped that during the period ahead Bosnia and Herzegovina will make further progress in the process of European integration. The goal is to draw attention in the European Union to the integration of the Western Balkans region as a special priority during the Hungarian EU presidency due in the second half of 2024.


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