We will never send young Hungarians to the wars of others 

On Monday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s campaign trail continued in Kisbér in Komárom-Esztergom County, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief informed the Hungarian news agency MTI.

In the town, the President of Fidesz had talks with Mayor Zoltán Sinkovicz and the region’s Fidesz candidates for local government councillors. 

Following this, meeting with members of the Kisbér electorate, Mr Orbán said those in Brussels who are now wracking their brains about the idea of mandatory European conscription are doing so in vain. We will never send young Hungarians to the wars of others, Mr Orbán pointed out, adding that if the Hungarians support the government parties on 9 June, then “we will be able to say no to the ever further crazy war plans.” 


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