We don’t want to shed blood for Ukraine, we’re not going to war 

Surrendering peace means “death for Ukraine,” but we do not want to shed blood for Ukraine, we are not going to war, and we are not going to die for others in foreign lands, Prime Minister-President of Fidesz Viktor Orbán stated on Saturday on Margaret Island where he encouraged attendees to support the candidates of the Fidesz-Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP) alliance in the European Parliament (EP) elections, stressing that Hungary can only stay out of the war if Hungarian electors reinforce the Hungarian government. 

“Do we want to shed blood for Ukraine? No, we don’t want do, we’re not going to war, and we’re not going to die for others in foreign lands,” he pointed out, adding that “this is the truth of the Hungarian people,” and now it is our duty “to make the truth of the Hungarians the truth of Europe.” 

In his speech delivered before the attendees of the Peace March organised by the Civil Unity Forum – Civil Unity Public Benefit Foundation, Mr Orbán warned that you cannot escape or hide from war, and the only remedy for war is peace. “To stay out of the war and to preserve Hungary as an island of peace, that is our mission,” he stated.

He said there is always evil behind world wars, and so he called upon the attendees to resist evil. The time has come for exorcism, he said. “Either we will win or they will. There is no third option, only third world war. Let us show Soros and his people where the Gods of the Hungarians reside,” he said. 

He stressed that you cannot wage a war for peace with weapons, there is no solution to the war on the battlefield, and so we need a ceasefire, we need talks.

First of all, he continued, we must win the elections next week, and in a week’s time they could receive reinforcement from every country of Europe and could establish “a pro-peace European coalition” in Brussels. He added that in the autumn the American people “could elect a pro-peace president,” and together with them “a pan-western-transatlantic peace coalition” could be established. At the beginning of the year, “we were still in a minority, but by the end of the year we could be in a majority” in the whole western world, he said in summary.

Referring to the 9 June European Parliament and municipal elections, he said God created the world in six days and prescribed the seventh for rest. However, unfortunately, “we will not be able to rest on the seventh day either,” “we will have to push ahead at full speed, at full throttle.” We will only have victory if we all go and we all vote. Only peace! Only Fidesz! he stressed.

Mr Orbán said there are already enough pro-war politicians in Brussels, and so instead of them, we should send there the candidates of Fidesz-KDNP headed by Tamás Deutsch so that they can occupy Brussels.

“There, you need people of our kind, people who don’t believe in war and in violence, but believe in the strength of love and unity,” he said.

He recalled that two years ago the last Peace March, too, had been held at the peak of an election campaign. “What a victory we scored back then, Dear Friends. The biggest victory ever, and it was the biggest defeat ever that we inflicted on the united troops of the Left.” 

In continuation, the President of  Fidesz said “how big headed they were. They roared like a lion, and then it transpired that their claws were merely papier mâché: a paper tiger who gets soaked right through in the first spring shower. They showed themselves to be comets, and then fell to the ground.” 

Mr Orbán highlighted that their victory could be seen not only from the Moon, but “it boosted the price of Hungary’s shares on the political stock exchanges of every European capital.” However, they wanted to buy them in vain; they are not for sale, not to Brussels, not to Washington, not to George Soros. 

He said never before had people gathered together in such enormous numbers before a European election. “If we just breathed on our opponents, they would be sent flying all the way to Brussels,” he added. 

The Prime Minister sent his greetings to and asked the Lord’s blessing for the Hungarians of Transcarpathia who have awaited the end of the war for two years, in the shadow of the atrocities of the war, exposed, and deprived of their rights. He added that “may you persevere, we are with you, you are in our thoughts and we encourage you: the day is not far off when your fate is to change for the better.” 

Mr Orbán also sent his greetings to Robert Fico, “Slovakia’s pro-peace prime minister,” wishing him a swift recovery. He added that “Robert Fico was shot at” because he stood for peace, “he almost gave his life for peace,” but he is as tough as nails, he is not the kind who allows himself “to be eliminated.” The Slovak prime minister will return, and Slovakia will fight for peace together with Hungary, he laid down. 

He said the government parties must win the European elections in such style that the Brussels  bureaucrats should open the gates of the city “in sheer horror” and “should take a hurried leave from their offices.” 

He recalled that since the autumn of 2006, Fidesz-KDNP had won every election, equally parliamentary, municipal and European. “We have won eleven times in a row. An absolute record, a KO victory, no dispute,” he said, adding that the supporter base of Fidesz-KDNP is the largest and its unity is the firmest in the whole of Europe, and the government parties are the best at campaigning, they have the largest election army. 

“No one had ever before been able to line up this many people for peace because the sole goal of the election army of the Hungarian people is to preserve peace. We are Europe’s largest peace corps, we are Europe’s largest peace-keeping force,” he said. 

The President of Fidesz promised that next week their activists would knock on millions of doors, setting “a world record of mobilisation.” 

He stressed that the Fidesz-KDNP alliance stood on the threshold of yet another enormous victory. “Organisation and strength on our side, violence, election scuffling, pushing and shoving on the side of our opponents. They want to defeat one another, not the war. We have no business with them, let them thrash one another. Over there, every slap lands on the right face.” 

In Mr Orbán’s words, Fidesz has a chance to score an enormous goal, but they must put the ball into the net because, he warned, if they are overly confident, they may miss. 

In governance, experience is an advantage, but in a campaign experience or practice can be a poison, it can kill, he observed, adding that if one is used to victory, it may make one lazy.

The President of Fidesz stressed that a good campaign required a concordant will, a successful campaign required a heart, while a victorious election required passion; in politics, there is no such thing as the odds of the favourites. 

He said after 42 days of campaigning, “we need another week’s hard work, the legendary Fidesz finish, and we will push the opponent off the pitch.” 

The Prime Minister said we are facing a task of a magnitude never seen before: we must prevent Europe from rushing to a war, to its own destruction. Today, Europe is preparing for war, “day after day they announce the inauguration of yet further stages of the road leading to Hell,” he said. Billions of euros for Ukraine, the deployment of nuclear arms in the middle of Europe, the conscription of our sons to a foreign army, NATO Ukraine mission, European military troops to be sent to Ukraine, he listed. 

“It seems that there are no brakes on the pro-war train, and the engine driver has gone mad,” he said, stating that what is at stake in the European elections is whether we will be able to stop this runaway train. 

He highlighted that the Hungarian government knew how to do this. We managed to detach in time “the carriage of the Hungarians” from the pro-migration train rushing at full speed towards the self-surrender of nations, and to rescue Hungarian children from the clutches of dangerous and repulsive gender activists. 

Neither will we allow our children and grandchildren to be carted off to the front in Ukraine. “No migration, no gender, no war,” just so that they also understand us in Brussels, he stressed. 

Today, a vote cast for Fidesz-KDNP can save lives; we can only stay out of the war if Hungarian electors reinforce the government, Mr Orbán stated. 

Every vote cast for Fidesz-KDNP is worth two; all at once, it enhances the weight of the pro-peace forces and strengthens the decision of Hungary staying out of the war, he said, adding that “we can only stay out of the war if we have Europe’s largest election victory.” 

He also said if the Left wins, it is only a question of time before the war catches up with us as “the pro-war forces have placed themselves beyond the realm of common sense,” they are inebriated, they want to defeat Russia the same as they tried in World War I and World War II; in fact, they are even ready to clash with the entire East.

He highlighted that war stupor is like a drug as “those who are addicted to it don’t feel responsible for anything,” and “they’re not interested in the future of their children, they can’t be convinced, and so rather than convincing them, we must defeat them.” 

He also said the founding fathers of the European Union were right in that the continent could not endure another war. He recalled that before World War I, Europe had been the master of the world, while after World War II it had even failed to remain its own master, “it was occupied by foreign empires in the East as well as in the West.” 

Now, we merely play second fiddle; after another war, Europe will not even be there in the orchestra setting the rhythm of the world, if there will be an orchestra at all, Mr Orbán said. Regarding Hungary, he stated that “in a war, we cannot stand to win anything, but we can stand to lose everything.” 

He stressed that so far, we had been pulled into wars against our will, “and we lost; it would be the same now, in 2024 as well.” The Prime Minister recalled that in World War I we lost two thirds of the country, while in World War II the Hungarian army was destroyed in a foreign land, there was no one to defend the country and those who stayed at home, “we didn’t even have enough strength to negotiate with the prospective victors.” 

In the two world wars, we Hungarians lost one and a half million lives, and with them their prospective children and grandchildren. What a strong country we would be today if we had them now, he said. 

“I’m going to say it slowly so that those in Brussels should also understand: we will not go to war. We will not head East for a third time, we will not go to the Russian front again, we’ve already been there, we have no business there, Mr Orbán said, underlining that “we will not sacrifice young Hungarians just so that war speculators can make money hand over fist.” 

The Prime Minister stressed that George Soros had already written his “script of subversion” 30 years ago in which he claimed that Russia could be defeated with western technology and Eastern European live force, “while the casualties, the lost lives can be replaced with migrants.” 

He added that the Hungarian Left was in George Soros’s pay, readily marching on, even betraying its own pro-peace voters just to get into power. 

“We on the national side have no intention whatsoever” of obeying the Brussels generals of the Soros Plan. Instead of obedience, “let’s send them packing,” he urged his supporters, stating that “we’ve had enough of Brussels standing by as a mere outsider, allowing Soros to take the lead; they have to go.” 

Mr Orbán concluded his speech with the usual turns of phrase: “The Lord above us all, Hungary before everything. Come on Hungary! Come on Hungarians!”

Before the Prime Minister’s speech, after the singing of the National Anthem, artists of the National Theatre put on a show, while singer Tamás Szarka, too, came on stage, entertaining the participants of the Peace March at the end of the event. 


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