Memorial Services / War or peace? 

War or peace? 

At the 9 June European elections, we will have to decide between war and peace, the Brussels leash or Hungarian freedom, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated on Friday at the state commemoration held on the occasion of the 176thanniversary of the 1848-1849 revolution and freedom fight in the Museum Garden outside the Hungarian National Museum. He said before an audience of tens of thousands of spectators that if we want to preserve Hungary’s freedom and sovereignty, “we will have to occupy Brussels,” we will have to achieve change in the European Union. 

In his commemorative speech, the Prime Minister said the time has come for every Hungarian generation and for every young Hungarian since Petőfi and his associates to make a decision. 

“Are you on the side of the truth, or are you seeking admission to the flock of the global bleaters? You must decide whether you set out on the path of Hungarian truth or turn onto the avenue of the Soros Empire. Are you breaking stones or building a cathedral? Brussels leash or Hungarian freedom? War or peace? […] You can’t hide. You must make a decision. Will you stand up for your country or do you prefer to feed from the palms of strangers?” he said. 

He recalled that Brussels was not the first empire to set its sights on Hungary, but in the past five hundred years every empire had realised sooner or later that with oppression, blackmail, force, Bach hussars and uniformed Soviet helpers they would get nowhere with us.

“The crescent has waned, the claws of the double-headed eagle have become worn, and the red star, too, has come to the end of its life,” he said, adding that we are the David that Goliath had better avoid. 

We brought down the horse-tail flag at Nándorfehérvár (Belgrade), on 15 March we turned the world out of its corners in a single day in Pest, in 1956 we scuttled global communism, and in 1989 we knocked the first brick out of the Berlin Wall. They equally realised in Istanbul, Berlin, Moscow and Vienna that everyone is better off if they leave us alone, Mr Orbán said in summary. 

He added at the same time that with the Compromise we showed that if we were given respect, we, too, would give others their due.

In his view, Brussels alone refuses to understand this. “Therefore, if we want to preserve Hungary’s freedom and sovereignty, we have no choice but to occupy Brussels,” he pointed out. 

He added that in 1848 we had stopped at Schwechat; this time, we will not do so. We will march all the way to Brussels, and we ourselves will create change in the European Union. 

“It’s time for the Council of the Royal Governor in Brussels, too, to start trembling,” he said. He also stressed that we would not accept the fact that Brussels had abandoned the Europeans, and had even turned against them. 

We will not tolerate their aspirations to destroy farmers, to dispossess the middle classes, to floor European businesses, to steal the rights of nations, to turn our children into debt slaves, and additionally, to take the whole of Europe to war, he added. 

The Prime Minister highlighted that “we here in Budapest know the nature of war all too well. Dead in the hundreds of thousands, disabled soldiers, widows, orphans, destroyed bridges, bomb craters, people in the tens of thousands losing their homes; a lifetime, the life of an entire generation was destroyed by the last war,” he said. 

He pointed out that Hungary could only benefit from peace; we do not want war. 

In his view, however, the Hungarians got war instead of peace from Brussels, rule of law charades instead of security, and financial blackmail instead of welfare. We have been deceived, but it is time that we rebelled, and restored the self-esteem and self-respect of the European people, he added. 

He said the Hungarians are not alone because while the Poles have been swept away by “the tsunami of the Left controlled by Soros and the likes,” the Slovaks are up on their feet, the Czechs are awakening, the Austrians are preparing, the Italians are slowly finding the right direction, the Dutch are up on their feet, too, and the Americans have likewise begun to revolt.

According to Mr Orbán’s expectations, this year will be a crucial year. At the beginning of the year, we were on our own, but by the end of the year we will be the majority in the western world, and great opportunities are opening up before us, he stated.

In his view, we are facing a pro-sovereignty turnaround in both America and Europe, “normal life could be restored,” and we could open a new great era of western nations from which everyone could benefit. 

Everyone, except those, he said in continuation, who “have written themselves out of history,” “who have violated their oaths taken to the service of the nation,” “who have treacherously stabbed their country in the back,” “who are making every effort to undermine us in Brussels in order to take the money of teachers and nursery school teachers away,” “who would open the gates before migrants, “who would surrender our children to crazy gender activists for thirty pieces of Brussels silver,” “who have sold themselves and have been bought by the kilo to enter into power.” 

Their lot will be the lot of traitors, he said, adding – quoting the author Magda Szabó – that “we forget the traitor, the traitor doesn’t exist, the traitor is dead, we never even knew him.” 

Describing the Hungarian revolution, the Prime Minister said it is constructive, not destructive; it is a creative act, not an act of denial; it is true and beautiful; and at the end of it, life, not death stems from it.

He recalled that in March 1848 Europe had been in flames, blood had been flowing in the streets of its capitals, and the people had been fighting on the barricades in Vienna. Meanwhile, we Hungarians “wrote a poem, edited 12 points, and walked over from Pest to Buda.” “That was our first peace march,” he observed, adding that the Hungarians released the political prisoners without a single gunshot being fired, went to the theatre, watched a national play, during the break they sang The National Poem, and had by evening won. At the same time, nine months later to the day Zoltán Petőfi was born.   

This is what revolution is like when done by young Hungarians, he stressed. 

He said the question is not what kind of a world we leave to our children, but rather what kinds of children we leave to the world; in actual fact, this is what everything depends on. He said the parents of the youths of March knew that one’s country only existed as long as there were people to love it. 

Mr Orbán pointed out that today in the western world, millions of people believe – and live accordingly – that they come from nothing and are heading nowhere. Therefore, they have no regard – and they are convinced that they should have no regard – for anything or anyone. They start wars, destroy worlds, redraw the borders of countries and “devour everything locust style,” the Prime Minister said, adding that they have no regard for the dead, and deprive the unborn of their rights. 

“We Hungarians live differently, and want to live differently. We do come from somewhere, and have a destination to pursue,” he said. 

We Hungarians live differently, and want to live differently. We do come from somewhere, and have a destination to pursue,

he said. 

He added that everything we have we received from our ancestors, and with it the mission to maintain it and to pass it on; that is the essence of Hungarian freedom. 

Over here, freedom is not a source of pleasure or suffering; a Hungarian does not regard himself as free just because he is not hungry or is not tortured by psychological ailments. It does not make us free if everyone is free to do what they like. This is not enough for us, Mr Orbán explained. 

In continuation, he said for us freedom is if we have the opportunity to build a country for us where there is no landlord above our heads. Therefore, it is not important for anyone other than ourselves that what is Hungarian should survive in the world.

We know that the Hungarian quality of existence is a special form of life of a higher order that does not compare with anything else, and the greatest thing that can happen to us is being born Hungarian, the Prime Minister said. 

He added that people in the western world believe that man is there, on his own, it depends entirely on his free choice which country’s citizen he will become, whether he is a boy or a girl, and they also believe that family is what they invent for themselves, while country is a mere territory of operation.

We Hungarians know that if you stand in the world on your own, you are lonely, not free. The youths of 15 March banged on the doors, shouting to the world at the top of their lungs that “we Hungarians are companions. Not only in friendship and family; we’re also companions in our country. Compatriots,” he stated. 

He observed that both those who went before us and those who come after us are our companions. Because the lives of Hungarians are an uninterrupted chain all the way from St. Stephen through King Matthias and Petőfi as well as the Hungarians of 1956 to us, and beyond. 

The Prime Minister highlighted the difference between the Hungarian Left and the Hungarian Right with a parable: a traveller sees a man by the side of the road who is breaking stones with a hammer. In answer to his question of what he is doing, the man says: “Can’t you see? I’m breaking stones, that’s my job.” Then he sees another man, also breaking stones, and when he asks him, too, what he is doing, he replies: “Can’t you see? I’m building a cathedral.” 

The European Left, with the Hungarian Left in it, is today breaking stones, he said. This is their life, mere robots existing for themselves, deprived of past and future. By contrast, we are building a cathedral. This is our life, the Prime Minister stated. 

The “cathedral of Hungary” is rising from the building blocks of forty generations, he said in continuation. It was founded by St. Stephen and made great by King Matthias, the Habsburgs destroyed it, but it was rebuilt by the Reform Era; Kossuth and Széchenyi, Petőfi and Jókai, Deák and Batthyány, Klapka and Görgey fought for it, he listed. 

He pointed out that the heroes of 1848 had seen the cathedral. They saw the country up there at a height that is above our day-to-day struggles, and gives our finite lives a meaning of a higher order. Therefore, they acted bravely even when their lives were at risk, and also when there was no chance of victory, or of living to see victory in their own lifetime.

The Prime Minister also spoke about the fact that today the peoples of Europe are concerned for their freedom due to Brussels’ aspirations, the same as in Petőfi’s time. They want to force upon us something that ill fits the Hungarians, “something that is baleful for the Hungarian spirit;” “something that is alien to Hungarian life,” he explained. 

He said “they want to pressure us into a war, they want to dump migrants on us, and they want to re-educate our children. But we are not going into any war, we’re not letting in migrants, and we’re not giving them our children either.” 

This is as simple as one, two, three, and as clear as day because Hungary is a free and sovereign country, and it will stay that way, Mr Orbán laid down. 


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