There is no point in sending pro-war deputies to Brussels; there are enough of them there already 

On Tuesday, Prime Minister-President of Fidesz Viktor Orbán continued his tour of the country as part of the EP campaign in Tiszaladány, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief informed the Hungarian news agency MTI. 

Mr Orbán had talks with Member of Parliament for the constituency Zsófia Koncz and Mayor Ferenc Liszkai.

At a meeting with electors, he said sending pro-war deputies to Brussels is like ladling water into the Danube: you can do it, but there is no point. There are enough of them there as it is. Mr Orbán suggested that “instead of pro-war left-wing politicians bought by the kilo, we should send pro-peace deputies to Brussels. Let us show George Soros that there is no worse investment than Hungarian pro-war politicians,” the President of Fidesz said. 


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