There is no pardon for paedophile perpetrators, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in a video posted on his social media account on Thursday, stating that on behalf of the government, he submitted a proposed amendment to the Constitution which seeks to make a pardon impossible in the event of crimes committed to the detriment of minors.
The Prime Minister stressed it was his personal conviction that there should be no pardon for paedophile perpetrators.
He said a debate has developed regarding the institution of the presidential pardon. “However, this is no time to play the lawyer; we must create a crystal clear situation with a crystal clear decision,” he said.
He pointed out that he himself had five children and six grandchildren, and should anyone as much as touch them, his first thought would be that “they should be ripped in two or torn into pieces.”
The Prime Minister said an absolutely clear situation must be created; therefore, on behalf of the government, he has submitted a proposed amendment to the Constitution which makes it impossible to pardon perpetrators found guilty of crimes committed to the detriment of children. It is time to settle this issue.
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