Religion / Talks in Carmelite Monastery with Hungarian Nobel Prize winner physicist

Talks in Carmelite Monastery with Hungarian Nobel Prize winner physicist

On Wednesday morning in the Carmelite Monastery, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and several members of the government had a science policy meeting with Nobel laureate physicist Ferenc Krausz, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief informed the Hungarian news agency MTI. 

At the meeting, the parties reviewed the measures necessary for the realisation of the strategic goals up to 2030 of the Centre for Molecular Fingerprinting (CMF) led by the world-famous Hungarian scientist.

Based on findings of the meeting, the government will finalise the proposal which seeks to allocate further government funding for the research conducted by the centre, the communication reads. 

According to its website, research at the Centre for Molecular Fingerprinting is driven by a vision: probing human health by capturing miniscule changes in the molecular composition of blood plasma with cutting-edge ultrashort-pulsed laser technology. Their goal is for infrared molecular fingerprinting to be established as a cornerstone of next-generation molecular diagnostics, paving the way towards future population health monitoring. 


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