Prime Minister Viktor Orbán inspected defence effort in Nagymaros and Kismaros 

On Wednesday morning, Prime Minister Viktor inspected the flood protection efforts in Nagymaros and later in Kismaros together with Member of Parliament for the constituency Bence Rétvári, Bertalan Havasi, the Deputy State Secretary heading the Press Office of the Prime Minister informed the Hungarian news agency MTI.

Water and disaster management experts informed the Prime Minister that on short sections at Nagymaros there was a need for the installation of sand bags in order to seal connecting points. The building of flood protection facilities is ongoing, the flood protection wall is 100 per cent complete, and at present, they are carrying out quality tests on the mobile dam and are installing pumps. The pumps are diverting the water into the Danube from the sealed canals in residential areas.

In Kismaros, too, efforts are ongoing, so far they have used almost 100,000 sand bags, while the flood protection facilities are 70 per cent complete. In addition to water management personnel, 600 soldiers, firefighters and volunteers are also helping with the defence effort, the report presented for the Prime Minister reads. 


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