Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has granted permission for opening of emergency reservoir by the Leitha 

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán inspected the flood control works by the River Leitha on site where together with Member of Parliament István Nagy he heard the reports of water and disaster management experts regarding the efforts made to date with a view to protecting Mosonmagyaróvár and the surrounding region, Bertalan Havasi, the Deputy State Secretary heading the Press Office of the Prime Minister informed the Hungarian news agency MTI on Tuesday. 

Mr Orbán has granted permission for the opening of the emergency reservoir between the main bed of the Leitha and the Left-Side Canal. 

With the opening of a secondary line of defence, the emergency reservoir guarantees that the water will not break through the primary lines of defence and also guarantees the security of the town of Mosonmagyaróvár and its inhabitants, the communication reads. 

In the afternoon, Mr Havasi told MTI that as part of his work as supervisor of the flood control works, Mr Orbán also held inspections in Neszmély and later in Komárom. On his visits to the experts working on the flood control facilities on the banks of the Danube, he was accompanied by Member of Parliament for the constituency Mrs Czunyiné, Judit Bertalan. 


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