The Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the most important interest representation of the Hungarian business community which makes proposals for the government in the interest of the more effective operation of businesses, in consultation with representatives of the business community, adapting relevant international practices. The Prime Minister confirmed that the Chamber continued to remain the government’s most important partner in the economy, he added.
During the talks, the parties agreed that cooperation between the government and the Chamber was essential as it was only possible to develop effective programmes and to give good answers to the challenges affecting the business sector together.
We have common goals, the government continues to look forward to receiving proposals and recommendations from the Chamber, Mr Havasi highlighted, adding that at the meeting of the two parties, the President of the Chamber outlined the organisation’s short- and medium-term goals, the identification of which was preceded by wide-ranging consultations. The Chamber proposed joint programmes to the government which seek to strengthen the capital situation of businesses, help them to enter foreign markets and make technological innovations readily accessible for them.
In conjunction with the 21-point economic development programme announced by the government, with a view to the best interests of businesses, the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry proposed a 15-point action plan which Mr Orbán and Mr Nagy reviewed together. The proposals of the action plan include the reduction of the administrative burdens of businesses, the reduction of taxes and contributions on wages, the promotion of developments facilitating the green and digital transition, and the facilitation of access to foreign markets for Hungarian businesses. The action plan could have a positive impact not only on the business environment, but also on the development of the Hungarian GDP.
The Prime Minister and the President of the Chamber agreed to coordinate cooperation further in the interest of Hungarian businesses, while the ministers concerned have offered analysis capacity for the Chamber. President Nagy agreed to engage in coordinated cooperation with the government on all important issues, and to update the Prime Minister on an regular basis, Mr Havasi reported.
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