9 June 2024 will be a crucial day in Europe’s history 

On Saturday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán continued his campaign trail in Esztergom, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief informed the Hungarian news agency MTI. 

The President of Fidesz had talks with mayor of the city Ádám Hernádi, and later met with electors. 

Mr Orbán said 9 June 2024 will be a crucial day in Europe’s history. It will be a European election that posterity will remember as the day when a decision was made on the issue of “war or peace.” 

On the one side, power and money, while on the other, the European people’s desire for peace, the Prime Minister said, adding that 9 June is perhaps the last opportunity for us to turn back from the path leading to a third major war. 


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