Stakes of the elections are pan-European: war or peace 

This is the first European election when there is a topic which spans almost all Member States: in every country the campaign is about the war, this is a pan-European issue now, Prime Minister-President of Fidesz Viktor Orbán stated after he cast his votes in the European Parliament and municipal elections in the 12th district of the capital. 

In answer to questions from members of the press, he said we can reach peace in Ukraine in two steps. First, today we must win this election in Europe, the result of which should be seen in such a light that the European people had a chance to state their opinion about the issue of war and peace. 

This is one half of the job, while the other half will have to be accomplished by the American people wanting peace in the US presidential elections, he added.

Now that there is a pan-European issue about whether Europe should go to war or not, about whether we Hungarians should go with them or stay out instead, this is an issue on which the people can now state their opinion, he explained.

He also spoke about the fact that if there will be a pro-peace majority in the European Parliament, that could have a powerful impact on the prime ministers of the large European countries which are as yet pro-war. 

He added that the election would, of course, also decide on the people’s trust in the government. Therefore, the feedback about whether there is the same level of trust today as there was two years ago is important for him also personally.

Mr Orbán also said from among the candidates for mayor of Budapest, he voted for the candidate recommended by Alexandra Szentkirályi, while on the issue of the war, for Fidesz, meaning that he voted “for peace and against war.” 

In answer to a question, he said he did not have any talks with Dávid Vitézy. The campaign in the capital was overseen by Alexandra Szentkirályi, “I have always accepted her decisions, I have faith that she judged the situation correctly,” he pointed out.

Regarding Alexandra Szentkirályi, he highlighted that in her person they had nominated the best candidate in decades. “I’m very proud of the work that Alexandra Szentkirályi has done, including the work that was not previously done,” he said. 

He added that according to his expectations, Alexandra Szentkirályi will remain in the realm of metropolitan politics, and Fidesz will have a strong leader, facing a bright future.

In answer to a question related to an interview he gave the French newspaper Le Monde, he stressed that in Europe there was a military threat because the European great powers wanted to go to war. 

Hungary is democratic, not divided, he said, answering a question about the country’s political division, recalling that “this is what we wanted to achieve in 1990, so that there should be a multitude of opinions, not just one; now we have many opinions.” 

He stressed, however, that hate was not the same as division, and that “is not a nice thing.” 

In answer to a question about what he would do if a battery plant were built 1,200 metres from his house, the Prime Minister said he would expect full compliance with the environmental regulations and guarantees of a healthy life.

Mr Orbán was also asked about the crowds that had attended Péter Magyar’s rallies around the country. In this context, he observed that all the signs appear to indicate that more people will take part in the European Parliament elections than earlier. “This is good for Hungarian democracy,” he stated.

In connection with the harassment case that occurred in the Bicske children’s home in the spring, he said “we have tightened all the rules, and we will fight to make sure that everything is in order.” 

In answer to an enquiry related to the clemency case, he recalled that Katalin Novák as president of the republic had closed the case – as far as she was concerned – but she alone could answer any further questions. 

In answer to another question, he said that a genocide had occurred in Srebrenica, and about this a UN document had been adopted. Hungary did not support the motion calling for a memorial day marking the massacre because it wanted to be a part of the majority that rejected it. 

Regarding the attempt to hack into the IT systems of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he stressed that in the case of every hacking attempt – of which there were many – they made all the necessary steps, including diplomacy and intelligence measures. However, these are not usually discussed in public, Mr Orbán stated. 


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