We want to see our children and grandchildren grow up, this is why we stand for peace 

On Thursday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s tour of the country in the EP election campaign continued in Zalaegerszeg, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief informed the Hungarian news agency MTI. 

The President of Fidesz first had talks with Mayor Zoltán Balaicz, and later met with Zalaegerszeg electors. 

Regarding the stakes of the election – the question of war or peace – he said in Ukraine an entire generation will fall victim to the bloody war currently under way. 

“We, however, want to see our children and grandchildren grow up. This is why we stand for peace. No matter how much pressure will be on us, we will resist the war madness. It is with this we seek the Hungarian people’s support on 9 June,” Mr Orbán said. 


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