In a letter Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to encourage Hungarian nationals living outside EU to vote in EP elections 

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is sending letters to Hungarian nationals living outside the territory of the European Union who do not have a domicile in Hungary. In this, he draws attention to the European Parliament elections to be held on 9 June and encourages them to exercise their right to vote, the Government Information Centre informed the Hungarian news agency MTI in a communication on Wednesday. 

According to the communication, Hungarian nationals who are not presently resident in Hungary and live outside the territory of the European Union may cast their votes in the European Parliament elections by post, but may only do so after prior registration. 

They point out that if someone already registered in earlier elections for voting by post in Hungarian elections and cast their votes in that form, their registration remains valid for further elections. 

At the same time, they wrote in continuation, those who have not yet attended a vote by post are able to register for the elections and ask to be included in the electoral roll until 4.00 p.m. on 15 May 2024, at the latest. 

Applications can be submitted electronically on the website or by post as well as in person or by way of a person holding a power of attorney for service at any of Hungary’s embassies or consulates general, the Government Information Centre’s communication reads. 


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